
How To Let My Light Shine In Dark Places

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. ( Mathew 5:16). The power of light is only seen clearly in times of darkness. The world we currently live in is so dark and that is to why Jesus Christ left us here so that we might display His light to the world and maybe save it from eternal destruction. “You are the light of the world. A city that is...


How Do I Know That Jesus Loves Me?

They say that knowledge is power, having a deep knowledge of something or someone helps you to get a deeper understanding about it. It is therefore very important to know if someone loves you. Love can be described as a deeper and enduring affection towards something or someone. Human beings exhibit a form of love which they express towards each other. But sometimes this love fades away, you will hear them saying that I no longer love him/ her anymore. Therefore the...