
Does Jesus Hear My Prayers

Prayer is the grace that God has bestowed upon man and a channel in which man has been given a chance to communicate with God. Whether God hears our prayers or not will depend on our motives and our walk with God. This depends on whether we are living righteous lives and conducting ourselves according to the will of God. When we do the two we have confidence in prayer. Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if...


What happens when we die?

Man’s life here on earth is limited. Time comes when man has to depart from this world. This happens through death or it may happen through rapture for those that rapture will find them alive. But have you ever asked yourself what really happens when someone dies?    This should be a question that should bother at least everyone living in this world. We all know that we are not permanent in this world as  there is life after death of...