
09 Dec

What happens when we die?

Man’s life here on earth is limited. Time comes when man has to depart from this world. This happens through death or it may happen through rapture for those that rapture will find them alive. But have you ever asked yourself what really happens when someone dies?    This should be a question that should bother at least everyone living in this world. We all know that we are not permanent in this world as  there is life after death of...

11 Oct

How Do I Know That Jesus Loves Me?

They say that knowledge is power, having a deep knowledge of something or someone helps you to get a deeper understanding about it. It is therefore very important to know if someone loves you. Love can be described as a deeper and enduring affection towards something or someone. Human beings exhibit a form of love which they express towards each other. But sometimes this love fades away, you will hear them saying that I no longer love him/ her anymore. Therefore the...

11 Oct

Should I Be Concerned About The End Of Days

The world we are living in now is so deceptive to the extent that one may feel comfortable because of the possessions he has acquired on this earth forgetting the core value of life which is his soul. Jesus Christ while teaching His disciples on the best place to store wealth gave them this parable in the gospel of Luke 12:16-20. That one day the ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully. And he thought within himself, saying, ‘What shall I...