
11 Jan

Does Jesus Hear My Prayers

Prayer is the grace that God has bestowed upon man and a channel in which man has been given a chance to communicate with God. Whether God hears our prayers or not will depend on our motives and our walk with God. This depends on whether we are living righteous lives and conducting ourselves according to the will of God. When we do the two we have confidence in prayer. Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if...

11 Oct

How Do I Know That Jesus Loves Me?

They say that knowledge is power, having a deep knowledge of something or someone helps you to get a deeper understanding about it. It is therefore very important to know if someone loves you. Love can be described as a deeper and enduring affection towards something or someone. Human beings exhibit a form of love which they express towards each other. But sometimes this love fades away, you will hear them saying that I no longer love him/ her anymore. Therefore the...

11 Sep

Does Jesus Christ Exist?

Jesus Christ is part of the Trinity of God composed of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is God the Son. The Trinity of God works together and came to existence at the same time. You cannot separate either one of them from each other, they work as a solid unit. Although in the beginning of the Bible we only hear of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit who was hovering over the...