COVID-19 Disclaimer

Phase 1 of Re-Opening

Under the guidelines of government officials, Unity Temple Church will have in-person services to be determined in the future.  However, things will be different than usual.

While we cannot guarantee a germ-free environment, we are taking steps to help prevent transmission of Covid-19. You can read more about those steps below.  If you are sick, have a fever, present any signs of cold, flu, or COVID-19 symptoms, or if you have been in contact with anyone who has had COVID-19 in the past 14 days, please stay home.

We care about your health and safety. If you are in a high-risk group, we encourage you to continue attending online during Phase 1.


Our sanctuary has been re-set to allow for social distancing.  We’ve measured and are observing the federal standards – six feet between family units. As you might imagine, that means our capacity has been greatly reduced! We are able to accommodate 100 people very spaciously, but we are currently limited to 75 per gathering per the state regulations.

During Phase 1, we will have main services only.  There will be no kids’ ministry activities, nursery, or childcare. Midweek Bible study, groups and classes will not meet in person. These ministries are online only during the first phase. We fully anticipate all these being restored in phase two of the re-opening.

To help prevent the spread of infection, we are asking (suggesting) people to wear a face covering/mask when a six-foot distance is unavoidable per the state regulations. This does not apply to anyone for whom doing so would be contrary to their health because of a medical condition. Also infants and toddlers will not be required to wear a mask.

Common areas and gathering spaces of the building will be closed.

Before every service, the sanctuary and all high-touch surfaces will be disinfected.  We will only allow people in the room after that procedure is complete.

Hand sanitizing stations are set up throughout the building.  We encourage their frequent use.

If you need to sneeze or cough, please cover your mouth and nose or sneeze into your elbow.

We will continually wipe down surfaces in the restrooms and other high-touch areas.

Drinking fountains will not be available for use.

We will not distribute any bulletins or printed materials.

Offering buckets will not be passed. We have mounted giving boxes in the back of the sanctuary for you to give in the Lord’s tithes and offerings. You can also give online by clicking here. Offering envelopes will be located at the giving boxes and the Next Step Desk to prevent multiple touches.

We will not shake hands, hug, or high five. Instead, we will air hug, wave, and smile.



We are asking for you to arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before the service begins. When you see the doors open, that will be your invitation to come into the church building.

When you enter the building, please find a pew to sit in and please sit with your family. Every other pew will be blocked off to ensure a 6 ft. distance between you and others. If you happen to sit on a pew along with another family, please distance yourself 6 ft. from you and them.

Exiting The Building

After service, we will dismiss people from back to front to ensure a quick, safe exit. We are asking for individuals and families to exit the building and feel free to fellowship in the parking lot where social distancing can be practiced.



We know you are practicing social distancing and spending a lot of time at home, but that doesn’t mean you have to go it alone!  We have plenty of opportunities for you to stay connected with your UTC family online!  If you choose not to attend services in-person, we totally understand!  We’d like to invite you to join us online this week!